Products Splash

KO Approach Reviewing

If you own a website or a weblog, share to the world your opinion about KO Approach by writing a review and receive a Basic license for free! In case you don't have a website or weblog, software forums and download sites are a good place to share your thoughts about the program.

On average, writing a review can take about 2 hours of work. It may take about 2 days before the License will be sent to you.

Basic License
($19.95 value)

KO Approach Globalization

If you know foreign languages, translate the KO Approach user interface (UI) into a foreign language and receive an Advanced license for free! The process is documented on our Developer section, and there are lots of languages where your help is greatly desired!

On average, translating KO Approach takes about 4 hours of work. When completed, send us the translation file by e-mail. Considering the offline nature of e-mail communications, it may take about 1 week before the License will be sent to you.

Advanced License
($34.95 value)